I guess we had so much fun in Vegas
last time we had to do it again. Except this time we threw in a nine-hour-round-trip road trip, twenty-degree warmer weather, the most crowded holiday weekend of the year, and, oh yeah, two kids. Call us crazy.

But it was fun to see Vegas through the kids' eyes, and there was a lot for them to see and do. Here they are high atop the Sphinx.

And here they are enjoying the afternoon at our hotel pool. The cocktail waitress was more than happy to bring Snook a virgin daiquiri with whipped cream on top. Make mine a regular. I couldn't let her drink alone.

Walking back to our digs at
The Excalibur. Snook couldn't get over the fact we were sleeping in a real castle.

Cute kid-sized costumes are also available in Vegas. Which we found out after a very messy chocolate ice cream incident. We happened to be at Caesars soooo, when in Rome. Bubs took his gladiator role quite seriously.

We also visited a carnival, where of course Dad had to win the jumbo dog.

Bubs didn't win anything but he was still happy.

Bad timing kind of plagued us one day. As you can see, S 'n' B were sacked out by the time we made it to the MGM to watch the lions eat lunch.

The kids never missed a meal. Yes, the buffet was a big hit. The first time. Don't ask me about the third time. Ugh.

Have you checked out Vegas's one and only dinner and jousting show,
Tournament of Kings? The one where they throw a whole chicken in front of you but forget to give you a fork?

We have! It was actually pretty cool, and the kids were mesmerized.

But the highlight of our trip was seeing
The Lion King. The second act really choked me up. I feel bad saying too much about it though because although Bubs was an angel for the first act, he made his poor dad hang out in the lobby for the second one. But it was so good! So despite Vegas's recent protests to the contrary, with a little planning and a lot of patience, it can be a pretty darn family-friendly place. Not that I'll be heading back there with kids again any time soon. Still kind of recovering.