"The program was launched in 2007 to provide food to help chronically hungry elementary school students get through the weekend. Every Friday, eligible kids receive a backpack with child friendly items such as peanut butter, pop-top canned goods, cereal, juice boxes, fruit cups, raisins, pudding cups, granola bars, shelf-stable milk and macaroni and cheese tucked inside.
These kids receive free or reduced cost meals while school is in session, but do not have food available on the weekends or school holidays for themselves and their siblings. Food 4 Kids provides food directly to them, without requiring their parents to receive a referral to a local food pantry, pick up food at the pantry or prepare it at home.
Charitable donations are down this year, and hunger in San Diego County is up. Those of us who love food and view it as a pleasure are in a position to ensure that the children of our community don’t go hungry.
With that goal in mind, San Diego’s food bloggers and other members of the local community are coming together to raise funds for the San Diego Food Bank’s Food 4 Kids Backpack Program. The program costs a mere $6.00 per week per child to fund, and a donation of $250.00 will fund a backpack for a child for the entire 36 week school year. Giving what you can afford will help us ensure the program continues to provide this much needed service!"
To participate in the fundraiser event, you can donate through the Firstgiving fundraising page at www.firstgiving.com/food4kids. All donors on the Firstgiving page will be eligible to win prizes sponsored by local businesses, bloggers and individuals. Just be sure to include your e-mail address when you donate so you can be contacted if you win.
If you're in San Diego, you can also participate by bringing items to the food and backpack drive at the Little Italy Mercato Farmers Market on Saturday, December 12 from 9-12. Recommended donations are any non-perishable kid-friendly food items and good quality neutral colored backpacks. Hope to see you there!
Thank you, and Happy Holidays!