So we've been going to ballet class for about a month now . . .

. . . in this majestic building, which is home to the
San Diego Ballet. Gorgeous, isn't it? There's no place inside the dance studio to sit and watch, so parents are relegated to the two-way viewing window. Or else there's a luxurious green room, complete with leather couches and a full kitchen. Not bad, especially when I have my one-year-old with me.

And here is Snook with her friend from preschool on their very first day of class. So far so good!

Here they are meeting their teacher and fellow classmates.

Hard to believe this is how all the greats got their start.
Maria Tallchief
Margot Fonteyn
Anna Pavlova
Natalia MakarovaI'm not thinking too big, am I?

Hi Mom!
All those little tutus are just adorable! I really enjoy your writing.
I love it - this has got to be one of the best parts of being a parent, especially of a girl!
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