No matter what is ailing Miss Snook, from a bruised knee, to a hangnail, to a scratch on the elbow, her go-to cure-all is this Cinderella ice pack. She's quick to offer it to others in the family too if she happens to overhear any of us utter so much as an ouch. A heavy pony-tail gave me one of those hair headaches the other day (don't you hate those) and she was right there with her ice pack. Most hilariously, though, she has insisted on sleeping with it every night this summer. All of her other lovies she's outgrown, but this ice pack, man, slumber does not come without it. And heaven forbid I forget to put it back in the freezer from the night before. I guess her attachment to it at night makes some sense since the kids' room tends to trap the heat of the day. Which leads me to think this phase will probably end when summer does and that I'd better start looking for a princess heating pad.
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