Stop me if you've heard
this one before. My boy is OBSESSED with train tables. To keep him happy, we've been making the weekly rounds to just about every train table within a ten-mile radius of our house. But that gets a little tiring after a while. And sharing can be a problem when your favorite word is, "Mine!" So the H decided to build Bubs his own train table!

Space was a major impediment before, in terms of getting a train table for our house. But the H devised a trundle version that rolls right under Snook's bed. Very crafty. Plus it's got a pond and trees and cute handles. Bubs is really getting a lot of enjoyment out of it. And on it. And I'm getting fifteen minutes to myself here and there. Don't you love when that happens!?!
Clever & cute! Hooray for a (small) bit of time to yourself!
Yay! Dash finally got his very own train table! I've seen how that little man loves train tables...and how devastated he gets when he has to leave one! Can't wait to come play trains w/ you all!
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