In case you hadn't heard, the San Diego Padres are HOT right now. No, seriously. Our spring was super busy, but we finally made it down to the ballpark last night, Memorial Day, the unofficial first day of summer. What could be better, right?

Well, unfortunately, our experience was a bit of mixed bag. Here's what I mean:
Snook walked into a glass wall and bumped her head, BUT . . .
to make her feel better, the nice usher gave her a baseball card and some tattoos that she'd been angling for since her arrival!We didn't have time to grab a bite beforehand, BUT . . .
we discovered the new, somewhat healthy $5 Kids Meal!Bubs got an upset tummy and threw up in our row, BUT . . .
they let us move a little ways down to field level while the janitor cleaned up, and then let us stay there for the rest of the game!The Padres hit into some disappointing double plays, BUT . . .
Jimmy Hairston Jr. hit a grand slam!We had to leave all the excitement a little early (kids and all), BUT . . .
one of those pretty, twinkly-lighted, Cinderella-style, horse-drawn carriages was riding by just as we exited!The Mets got 6 runs, BUT . . .
the Padres got 18 runs!It ended up all being worth it just to witness such a romp. And I think it was the first time the kids really got into the game. Go Padres!