So now that I'm home with my kids all. the. time. it's impossible to find time to do those girly errands that I used to always knock out on my lunch hour. You know the ones. Where nails are concerned, I've just said, "F#$! it," and taken to dragging them along. In order to keep the peace, I of course had to let my girl in on the act and now, surprise, surprise, at the tender age of four she is already a little pedicurista. Which kills me since I think I got my first one at age 23 or something crazy like that.

You can see she's way more adventurous than I am.

And whose red toes are those??? I know, I know, but he hates to be left out, and he copies everything his big sister does, and all the ladies think it's so cute, and I only let him get a couple done, and I try to remember to remove the polish as soon as we get home. Good thing I've given up waxing. Well, good and bad. Ugh.
1 comment:
This made me laugh out loud...the "good and bad" part. xoxoxo
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