The kids and I have had to kiss a lot of toads when it comes to library story times (sleepy retirees, burnt-out librarians, frustrated drama types), but we have finally, thankfully found our story-time queen. Her name is Ellenjoy (if you can believe that), she's been a children's librarian for over 30 years, and she holds court every Tuesday and Friday mornings over the bridge at the gorgeous
Coronado Library. We haven't been back to another library or story time since discovering this one.

There are Snook and Bubs sitting right up front.

In addition to bringing three or four children's stories to life (it would be hard to exaggerate how animated she is), Ellenjoy incorporates dancing, musical instruments, songs, puppets, you name it. So great.

And we always seem to find familiar faces in the crowd. This past Tuesday we hung out in the Children's Library with friends after story time for FOUR HOURS! Snook even got to help change out the springtime decorations in the big display case. Next time we go there, the scene will be Bears at the Beach. I'm sure it will be adorable, and keep us coming back for more.
We DEFINITELY want to go with you. How about next week?
You are sooooo lucky! We've tried several libraries and bookstores, but just haven't found 'the one' yet! If we find ourselves in your neck of the country we'll have to stop by!
The search continues here, though...
Jora: Yes! Next Friday or perhaps the following week . . .
Karen: Good luck!!! I know how hard it is.
i know those playmates!
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