A Victoria's Secret catalogue landed in our mailbox the other day (like one does almost every day). Looks like there's a new Vintage (oxymoron?) collection. Well, I was immediately given the green light to go out and purchase . . .

this. Normally, The H gives you his blessing to go shopping (not that I wait for that, mind you) and you go. But this time, I don't know . . . I'm all for keeping it spicy and rocking a new nightie every now and then. But the above just looks, what's the word, uncomfortable. So you'll forgive me if I take the money and run. Probably to the kiddie shoe store. Snook needs new sneakers.
i agree with your sentiment, but i must say, some of their new 'vintage' nighties are sheer, pink and super sweet.
Men always like that uncomfortable stuff most. The trick is to find something soft and sweet but still man-worthy.
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