No childhood would be complete without the old-school nursery rhymes. Your "Mary Had a Little Lamb." Your "Baa Baa Black Sheep." And then there are the more modern classics. Your "Itsy Bitsy Spider." Your "Old MacDonald Had a Farm." But there comes a time as a parent when if you have to hear or sing any one of these songs one more time, you may just lose it for real. That's why I am so grateful to my sister-in-law for gifting a "Really Rosie" CD to Snook back a couple of Christmases ago.Maurice Sendak's lyrics are so clever and chock-full of vocabulary-expanding words for your little one. And Carole King's musical compositions are masterful. The whole thing is a feast for the ears that I can truly say, after two years, never gets old.
This "ABC" alternative called "Alligators All Around" is one of my favorites. While you're on the site, do yourself a favor and listen to "Chicken Soup With Rice" too. It's especially good during this yucky flu season.
And as long as you're in the market for nontraditional children's music, you may as well throw this oldie but goodie, "Free to Be You and Me," into your shopping cart too, if you don't already own it. My favorite track is "Boy Meets Girl," but there are a few other numbers on there that are also great for some gender-stereotype-busting laughs. And for a rocking good time with your kiddos. I am definitely open to more suggestions . . .
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