The other part is I just can't get enough of this guy's witticisms. He's talking about LSU, Ohio State, Texas, blah, blah, blah, stuff I could care less about. I'm really not that much of a sports fan. But he could seriously be talking about styrofoam and I'd probably be hanging on his every word. So smart, so articulate, and just a really good voice. I'm a total sucker for voices. And check this out, I did a little internet research, and the looks almost match the voice!

Anyway, seeing that it's a sports show, guys call in by the dozens. Not so with the ladies. So guess what. When a girl calls in, she's automatically bumped to the front of the line. As we discovered firsthand when Josh handed me a script, I adopted the pseudonym "Jessica," and about two minutes after dialing his number, I was on the air talking to Rome. He asked me more questions than I was prepared for, though, so I ended up having to, gulp, ad-lib. Not my forte. Especially when I have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about. I went off script with some asinine comment about wanting to put all of the Cubs fans in a bus and drive it off a cliff. I distinctly remember Rome asking me in genuine surprise, "You want to drive all of the Cubs fans off of a cliff?" I froze as the violence of that act sunk in, and that's where I got cut off. Rome had taken all he could of scary, crazy Jessica. But I can't seem to get enough of him. His show. You know what I mean. Go Chargers!
Thanks Heidi, this made me laugh! I, too, love the sound of that guy's voice. So confident and masculine. I'm sure he likes to tell his lady what to do. ;)
And I bet she listens. Yeah, the confidence gets me too. Just a lot of testosterone going on there. We should go on a Rome/Bourdain fantasy double date some time!
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